The volost court statute of the Baltic provinces on July 9, 1889

  Tomashevich, Vladimir Stanislavovich  (1847-).    
The volost court statute of the Baltic provinces on July 9, 1889: supplemented by the laws promulgated on June 1, 1894, as well as articles of charters: criminal and civil proceedings, punishments, medical police and the coat of arms, three parts of local laws, establishment of judicial institutions , notarial status and duties of property, pereh. and maids. ways with explanations of the cassation departments and their general meeting / Compiled by VS Tomashevich (Justice of the City of Riga). - Ed. unofficial. - Riga: Type. L. Blankenstein, 1894. - XXII, 284 pp., 1 l. Table. ; 26 centimeters .
BBC 63.3 (283.31) 522-36
BBK 67.3 (2) 52
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. Л. Бланкенштейна
Catalogue object