Author Петрушевский Александр Фомич Description Petrushevsky, Alexander Fomich (1826-1904). Generalisimus Prince Suvorov: in 3 Volumes / [op.] A. Petrushevsky .- St. Petersburg: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1884 .- 23 cm rus T. 1 .- 1884 .- VIII, 486 pp., [5] l. to., Port., Fax. . ББК Т3 (2) 464-688Суворов А.В., 02 ББК 63.3 (2) 513-68,8Suvorov A.V. Source: RSL Publisher Тип. М. М. Стасюлевича Collections Russian People → Persons of Russia → Military men → S → Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich (1730–1800) → Alexander Suvorov (1730–1800) → Military activities History of Russian Army