The main temple of the Intercession Women's Monastery. rus |
The main temple of the Intercession of the Women's Monastery [Izomaterial] = Temple principale au couvent des religieuses Pokrowski: species photography. - Kiiv, [the beginning. XX century.]. - Phototype; 28x19.5; 19.4 13 13. - (Views of Kiev). - From the photograph of Gudshaon and Gubchev. - The image is vertical. - General view of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas - the main temple of the monastery
1. Kiev Pokrovsky Women's Residential Monastery. Nikolaevsky Cathedral (Kiev, city, Ukraine) - Photographs. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Architectural photographs. |
1. city. 2. phototype. 3. Cathedral |
BBK 85.163 (4Ukr-2Kyiv) y61 BBK 63.3 (28-8Kie-2Kyiv) 53-37y61 BBK 63.3 (4Ukr-2Kyiv) 53-37я61
The Nikolaevsky cathedral was erected in 1896-1911. architect V. Nikolayev in Moscow style and became the largest temple in Kiev (height 67.5 m). The laying of the cathedral took place in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna. It was created for the donations of philanthropists (the tsar personally donated 80 thousand rubles, more than 150 thousand rubles - the Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna - the founder of the Intercession Monastery, 50 thousand rubles - the famous philanthropist N. Tereshchenko, etc.). In the 30-ies. XX century. The Bolsheviks removed from the temple 15 gilded domes. In 1981, a fire broke out on the territory of the monastery, after which the cathedral was painted anew. In 2007, from the city budget, 20.5 million hryvnias were allocated for the reconstruction of the temple in its original form. Now acting. |
Source of electronic copy: National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine Location of original material: National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine