Hor. Belgorod. Access road and chalk mountains

  Ermakov , A.D.  (photographer).    
Hor. Belgorod. Access road and chalk mountains [Izomaterial]: postcard / Photos. AD Ermakov. - Moscow: edition of K.P.'s: Phototype of Otto Renard, [19--]. - Phototype; 9.5x13.8. - On the letterhead of the Universal Postal Union. - Lower right: Fot. AD Ermakov. - The image is horizontal. - The picture shows the access road to the chalk plant .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Belgorod, the city - the beginning. 20 cent. - Postcards.
1. Mountain. 2. an open letter. 3. Chalk. 4. Plant
BBK 63.31
The source of electronic copy: Belgorod GUNB
Location on the original: Белгородская ГУНБ
Publisher издание т-ва К. П. Фототипия Отто Ренар
Catalogue object
из 2