Author Раковский О. Ю. Description Rakovsky, O.Yu. State Duma and political parties / O.Yu. Rakovsky. - Moscow: type. V.M. Sablin, 1907. - 32 p. ; 17th . I. Russia. The State Duma. Source of electronic copy: РГБ The place where the original was stored: 801-87 / 8814-7; A 191/696 Publisher типография В. М. Саблина Catalogue object Россия II пол. 90-х гг. XIX в. Collections State Authority → History of the state authority in Russia → State authority in Russia in 9th – early 20th cc. → State authority in the 18th - early 20th cc. → Superior and central bodies of state power and government → State Duma → State Duma in the history of Russian statehood → Activities of the State Duma