The case of the illegal trade in church candles in the city of Vladimir and the decision of this case in the Government Senate

Albitsky, Alexander Mikhailovich (1838-).    
The case of the illegal trade in church candles in the city of Vladimir and the decision of this case in the Government Senate / protoiere. A. Albitsky. - Vladimir: Typo-lithography of VA Parkov, 1895. -30 p. -
At the end of the text of the author: Archpriest A. Albitsky.
From the No. 8 "Vladimir Diocesan Gazette" for 1895. - Without a tit. l .. - Ex. Vladimir OUNB is woven into one owner's region. with zagl .: From the Vladimir diocesan statements for 1887-1905
1. Church property - Legal issues - Vladimir province.
BBK 67.3 (2) 5
BBK 86.372
The source of the electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB

An original storage: Владимирская УУНБ
Publisher Типо-литография В. А. Паркова
Catalogue object