Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd ...

Memoirs of M. S. Nasvet "My revolutionary memoirs" about the work on the Sovietization of the Kurgan Uyezd and about the stay of the Czechoslovaks and Kolchakites in 1917-1919. September 20, 1924 Level
Foundation 1093. Schegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931), historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the manager of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive
Inventory Op. 1. 1802-1928
Case RGIA. F. 1093 Op. 1 D. 140
Memoirs of M.S. Nasvet "My revolutionary memoirs" about the work on Sovietization of the Kurgan Uyezd and about the stay of the Czechoslovaks and Kolchakites in 1917-1919. September 20, 1924.
Identifier d1ee104f-2d2a -4dd5-a7a9-09f770b148e9
Text Language rus
Date September 20, 1924
Volume 12 sheets
The organization that created the record RGIA
Cipher storage RGIA. 1093/1/140
Note The title on the cover of the file: M. M. S. "My revolutionary memories". On the work on the Sovietization of the Kurgan Uyezd and on the stay of the Czechoslovaks and Kolchakites. (1917-1919)