Reports of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Board The next provincial zemstvo assembly .... ... the session of 1912 and the Journ...

    Vladimir province zemstvo board.
Reports of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Board to the Provincial Zemstvo Assembly ...: 1 department: for public education. - Vladimir-on-Klyazme, 1899-1917. - 22 cm. -
Since the publication of 1907 the title: "Reports ... and the Journal of the meeting of the Commission on Public Education ... With pril."
I. Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Commission for Public Education. II. The Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Assembly. Vladimir Province Zemstvo Administration - Documents and materials. 2. Vladimir Province Zemstvo Commission for Public Education - Documents and materials. 3. Territory (collection). 4. Power (collection). 5. Territory of Russia: Vladimir Region (collection). 6. Public education - Vladimir province - early. 20 cent. - Documents and materials.
BBK 63.3 (28-8Bla) 53-334y11
BBK 74.03 (2) y11
The source of the electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB

An original storage: Владимирская УУНБ
... session of 1912 and the Journal of the meeting of the Commission for Public Education on November 23-24, 1912. - 1912. - VI, 132 p. .
1. Vladimir province zemstvo board - Documents and materials. 2. Vladimir Province Zemstvo Commission for Public Education - Documents and materials. 3. Power (collection). 4. Territory (collection). 5. Territory of Russia: Vladimir Region (collection). 6. Vladimir region: pages of history (collection). 7. Zemstvo - Vladimir province - Documents and materials. 8. Public education - Vladimir province - early. 20 cent. - Documents and materials.
BBK Cr.74.03 (2Ros-4Vla) 5
BBK 63.3 (28-8Vla) 53-334y11
BBK 74.03 (2) y11
The source of the electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB

An original storage: Владимирская УУНБ
Catalogue object