Vladimir province zemstvo board.
Reports of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Board to the Provincial Zemstvo Assembly ...: 1 department: for public education. - Vladimir-on-Klyazme, 1899-1917. - 22 cm. - Since the publication of 1907 the title: "Reports ... and the Journal of the meeting of the Commission on Public Education ... With pril."
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I. Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Commission for Public Education. II. The Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Assembly. Vladimir Province Zemstvo Administration - Documents and materials. 2. Vladimir Province Zemstvo Commission for Public Education - Documents and materials. 3. Territory (collection). 4. Power (collection). 5. Territory of Russia: Vladimir Region (collection). 6. Public education - Vladimir province - early. 20 cent. - Documents and materials. |
BBK 63.3 (28-8Bla) 53-334y11 BBK 74.03 (2) y11
The source of the electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB
An original storage: Владимирская УУНБ |
... session of 1912 and the Journal of the meeting of the Commission for Public Education on November 23-24, 1912. - 1912. - VI, 132 p.
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1. Vladimir province zemstvo board - Documents and materials. 2. Vladimir Province Zemstvo Commission for Public Education - Documents and materials. 3. Power (collection). 4. Territory (collection). 5. Territory of Russia: Vladimir Region (collection). 6. Vladimir region: pages of history (collection). 7. Zemstvo - Vladimir province - Documents and materials. 8. Public education - Vladimir province - early. 20 cent. - Documents and materials. |
BBK Cr.74.03 (2Ros-4Vla) 5 BBK 63.3 (28-8Vla) 53-334y11 BBK 74.03 (2) y11
The source of the electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB
An original storage: Владимирская УУНБ |