Documents on the work of the provincial commission for zoning

      Tyumen Gubernatorial Executive Committee  
Documents on the work of the provincial commission for regionalization [Case]: (protocols of the Tyumen Uyezd Commission on the change of the administrative boundaries of the county, lists of newly formed volost districts and settlements of the Yalutorovskiy district, the district's regionalization project for districts and districts, statistical materials for volosts): 1921- 1923. - 1921-1923. - 178 l .. - (Fund Tyumen Gubernia Executive Committee Inventory No. 1). - Handwritten and printed text; with pencil and ink marks. - Orig. the title of the case: Minutes of general meetings of the Tyumen Uyezd Commission on Amending the Administrative Borders of the Tyumen Uyezd, Administrative Uyezd Commission. Lists of the newly formed volosts of Yalutorovsk County: April 15, 1921 - November 13, 1923 .
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Tyumen Province - Administrative-territorial division - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Tob) 612-334
Source of electronic copy: Gos. archive of the Tyumen region
Location on map of the original: archive of the Tyumen region F. Р-2. Op. 1. D. 180. P_2-1-180 028766
Catalogue object