Ancient Arab road builders in the Central Asian areas, currently included in the Russian possessions

  Petrovsky, Nikolay Fedorovich  (1837-1909).     rus
Ancient Arabian road builders in the Central Asian areas, currently included in the Russian possessions: A manual for finding the ancient. ways and areas: Extract. from op. Sprenger'a "Die Post-und Reiserouten des Orients" / NF Petrovsky .- Tashkent: Tipo-lit. bargain. d. "F. and G. br. Kamensky", 1894 .- [2], VI, 60 p. ; 20 centimeters .
BBC 63.48 (5) -426
Source: RSL
Storage: RSL
Publisher типо-лит. торг. д. "Ф. и Г. бр. Каменские"
Catalogue object