Journals of the Pereyaslav Zemsky Assembly .... the next ... XLVII convocation in September 1911 and emergency ... April 29 and ...

      Pereyaslavl district Zemstvo assembly  
Journals of the Pereyaslav Zemsky Assembly ... . - Kiev, 1867-1915 . - 24 cm
the next ... XLVII convocation in September 1911 and extraordinary ... on April 29 and November 20, 1911. - Pereyaslavl: Type. Lepsky and Wurman, 1912. - XIV, 407 p. - Stamp Mosk. pub. Rumyantsev Museum .
BBC 63.3 (2) 5-334y52
BBK 63.3 (28-8Pl) 533-334y52
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. Лепского и Вурмана
Catalogue object