Journals of district zemstvo meetings of the Vladimir province .... [regular] 1867. [Book. 2

Journals of county zemstvo meetings of the Vladimir province ... . - Vladimir: the press of A. Aleksandrovsky, 1867-
[regular] 1867: [Book. 2: Counties: Sudogodsky, Vladimirsky]. - Moscow: In Univ. a type. (Katkov and K), 1868. - 333, III p. .
1. Sudogodsky Uyezd Zemsky Assembly - Periodicals. 2. Vladimir Uezd Zemsky Assembly - Periodicals. 3. Power (collection). 4. The people (the collection). 5. Territory of Russia (collection). 6. Zemstvo - Vladimir province - Documents and materials.
ББК 63.3 (28-8Вла) 522-334я52
The source of electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB
The original storage: Владимирская ОУНБ
Publisher В Унив. тип. (Катков и К)
Catalogue object