For the Bolshevik pace. 1941, No. 13 (1688) (Jan. 30)

For the Bolshevik pace: the organ of the Chern Republic RK VKP (b) and the district council of workers' deputies of the Tula region. . - Chern, 1932-
1941, No. 13 (1688) (Jan. 30). - 4 s. .
1. The Great Patriotic War - 1941 - 1945. 2. Periodic printing - Chern, city (Tula region).
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Тул-2Чернь) 622я51
Source of electronic copy: Tula OUNB
The original storage area: Tula OUNB
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