Notes on the Olonets province, compiled by the late teacher Petrozavodsk uyezd school, Alexander Andreev

  Andreev, Alexander Petrovich      
Notes on the Olonets province, compiled by the late teacher Petrozavodsk uyezd school, Alexander Andreev. - St. Petersburg: in the type. Ya. Ionson, 1855. - 39 p. ; 25 centimeters .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Olonets Gubernia - Guidebooks.
ББК 26.89 (2Рос.Кар) я23
ББК 63.3 (2) 52я23
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Karelia
Location on the secret of the original: НБ Респ. Karelia
Publisher в тип. Я. Ионсона
Catalogue object