Zemsky self-government in the Russian North in the 17th century .. T. 1. Oblast division of the Pomorze; Land tenure and social ...

  Bogoslovsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich  (1867-1929).    
Zemsky self-government in the Russian North in the XVII century. / M. Bogoslovsky  .- Moscow: publication of the Imp. Islands of History and Antiquities of Russia under the Moscow University, 1909-1912  .- 28 cm
T. 1: Oblast division of Pomorze; Land tenure and social order; The organs of self-government .- 1909 .- VIII, 322, 105 pp., [1] l. kart. .
1. Zemsky self-government
ББК Т3 (2) 461-536,02
ББК 63.3 (2) 45-334
Source: RSL
Publisher издание Имп. о-ва истории и древностей российских при Московском ун-те