Zlatograd Gleb Panfilov //. Century of the Petersburg cinema

Kazin, Alexander Leonidovich (Doctor of Philosophy, prose writer, 1945-).    
Zlatograd Gleb Panfilov / AL Kazin. -
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// Century of Petersburg cinema: collection of scientific works / Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, Russian Institute of Art History; [Editorial Board: Doctor of Philology, Professor AL Kazin (responsible editor), etc.]. - St. Petersburg: editorial and publishing complex of the Russian Institute of Art History, 2007. - P. 45-60 .
1. Panfilov, Gleb Anatolievich (1934). 2. Russia in the faces (collection). 3. The people (the collection). 4. The year of Russian cinema (collection). 5. "I ask for the words" (feature film). 6. Feature films - the USSR.
ББК 85.373 (2)
ББК 63.3 (2) 63-8
E-copy source: PB
Location on the paper: б-ка RIII
Publisher редакционно-издательский комплекс Российского института истории искусств
Catalogue object