Studies, remarks and lectures M. Pogodin on Russian history. T. 2. The origin of the Varangians-Rus. About the Slavs

  Pogodin, Mikhail Petrovich  (1800-1875).    
Investigations, remarks and lectures by M. Pogodin on Russian history  .- Moscow: published by the Imperial Moscow Island of Russian History and Antiquities, 1846-1856  .- 21 cm
T. 2: The origin of the Varangians-Rus. On the Slavs .- 1846 .- X, 426, II p. .
ББК Т3 (2) 414я44
ББК 63.3 (2) 41я44
Source: RSL
Publisher изданы Императорским Московским о-вом истории и древностей российских