Foreigners of the Turukhansk region, overlooking the banks of the Yenisei River in the vicinity of. Dudinka - Art. Aspen, and th...

  Isachenko, Vladimir Lavrentievich  (1875-1932).    
Foreigners of the Turukhansk region, overlooking the banks of the Yenisei River in the vicinity of. Dudinka - Art. Aspen, and their fish and other industries / VL Isachenko, art. specialist in fishing. - Krasnoyarsk: Type. b. MI Abalakova, 1915. - [4], 62 p. ; 25 cm - (Department of Agriculture and State Property of the Yenisei Gubernia, Materials on the Investigation of the Yenisei River in the Fishing Approach [v. 1], No. 9) .
BBC 63.529 (253.5) -4y13
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. б. М. И. Абалакова
Catalogue object