Islamic Studies. [T.] 1. Arabia - the cradle of Islam

  Ostroumov, Nikolay Petrovich  (1846-).    
Islamology / N.P. Ostroumov; Ed. Syrdarya region. stat. com. . - Tashkent: Type. at the can. Turk. G. Governor, 1910-1912 . - 22 cm
[T.] 1: Arabia is the cradle of Islam. - 1910. - 278 p. : ill., maps. - Ver. paral. to the Arab. yaz. .
BBK 86.38g
BBK 63.3 (5Sau) -37
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. при канц. Турк. Г. Губернатора
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