Historical and statistical description of the churches and parishes of the Vladimir diocese. Issue. 5. Shuisky and Kovrovsky cou...

Historical and statistical description of the churches and parishes of the Vladimir diocese: [vol. 1-5] . - Vladimir: Tipo-lit. VA Parkov, 1893-1898 . - 22 cm
Issue. 5: Shuisky and Kovrovsky counties / comp. V. Berezin. Vyaznikovsky and Gorokhovetsky counties / comp. V. Dobronravov. - 1898. - 505, VII c. .
ББК 86.372я43
ББК 63.3 (28-8Вла) -37я43
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher типо-лит. В. А. Паркова
Catalogue object