The history of the 45th Dragoon's north His Majesty the King of the Danish Regiment

Korganov, Adam Solomonovich (1846-1914).    
The history of the 45th Dragoon's north His Majesty the King of the Danish Regiment / was composed of the same regiment by Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Korganov; under the editorship of the artillery of Major-General Chernyavsky. - Tiflis: Printing house of AA Mikhelson, 1884. - [4], VIII, 392, 47 pp., 3 liters. kart. : portr. ; 26 cm. -
Before the text: Dedicated to the august boss of His Majesty King Danish Christian IX.
I. Chernyavsky, Ivan Silvestrovich (1835-1904) .1. Seversky Dragoon Regiment (18). 2. Russia. Ground troops. Cavalry - History. 3. The people (the collection). 4. Power (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 521-69
BBK 68.519.1-1 (2)
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: Don State GPB
Publisher Типография А. А. Михельсона
Catalogue object