History of the Russian State .. Т. 2

Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766-1826).    
History of the Russian State. - Second edition, corrected. - St. Petersburg: In the printing house of N. Grech: Depends on the brothers Sleniny, 1818-1829. - 8 ° (24 cm). -
The text of the text in the form of marginalia.
"The map of Russia of the IX century with neighboring countries."
Price: with genealogical tables, a map and a portrait on white paper - 65 rubles, on velenovaya - 110 rubles.
"Genealogical princes of Russian princes" ([2], IX.L. table) were attached to the ed. "in a special book" (see rec.).
Portr. N.M. Karamzin, engraving. the NI cutter. Utkin in Fig. A.G. Varnika.
On the tit. l. t. 9 - 12 there is no indication of the repetition of the publication. On tit. l. t. 10 - 12 removed the indication of the Sleniny.
There are errors in the column numbers.
The rights to the second edition of the "History ..." booksellers of Slenina bought for 50 000 p. The unfinished 12th volume was published after the death of the author D.N. Bludov.
Censius: Printed according to the highest command (t. 1 - 12); P.I. Gaevsky, 6 November. 1828 (Notes on vol. 12).
Consolidated catalog of the Russian book of 1801-1825
I. Utkin, Nikolai Ivanovich (1780-1863). II. Gayevsky, Pavel Ivanovich (1797-1875). III. Varnik, Alexander Grigorievich (1780-1843). IV. Bludov, Dmitry Nikolayevich (1785-1864) .1. Alexander I (Imp, 1777-1825).
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
T. 2. - 1818. - 316, 1 - 100, 85 - 260, [4] p. ; 8 ° (24 cm). -
List of subscribers on p. [1 - 2] t. 2.
Notes to Volume II of the History of the Russian State [NM Karamzin] on p. 1 - 251 (2nd p.) 2. 2. There are errors in the column numbers.
I. Karamzin, Nikolay Mikhailovich (1766-1826).
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher В типографии Н. Греча: Иждивением братьев Слениных