The history of Peter the Great: facts and myths. Version // Student meridian. 1983, No. 6

Volkov, Vladimir    
The history of Peter the Great: facts and myths; Version: novel: Part 1 / Vladimir Volkov, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Julian Semenov // Student meridian. - 1983, No. 6. - 1983. - P. 17-18, 19-23, 26-28 .
I. Semenov, Julian Semenovich (writer, 1931-1993) .1. Peter I (the emperor of Russia, 1672 - 1725) - in fiction. 2. Semenov, Julian Semenovich (1931 - 1993). Compositions. 3. The people (the collection). 4. Power (collection). 5. Yu. S. Semenov (collection). 6. Russia in the faces (collection). 7. Russian language (collection). 8. House of the Romanovs (collection). 9. Russian Soviet Literature.
BBC 84 (2 = 411.2) 6-44
Electronic copy source: PB
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Julian Semenov Cultural Foundation
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