To the study of the Siberian offshore route

Breitfuss, Leonid Lvovich (1872-1950).    
To the study of the Siberian offshore route: the hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean and measures for its liberation from forced wintering in the ice near the Taimyr Peninsula in 1914-15 / LL Breitfuss. - Petrograd: Printing house of the Naval Ministry, 1915. - [2], 48 pp., [1] f. kart. : ill., maps. ; 27 cm. -
Bibliography in the footnotes. - A separate reprint from "Notes on hydrography" T. 39, no. 1.
I. Hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean (1913 - 1915) .1. Hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean - Periodicals. 2. Development of the Arctic (collection). 3. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 4. Territory (collection). 5. Hydrography - History - Russia - Periodicals.
ББК 26.221г.я54
ББК 26.8г.я54
An electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: Arkhangelsk ONB
Publisher Типография Морского Министерства
Catalogue object