Kemerovo. Construction of a large-panel house

  Melnikov , P.      
Kemerovo. Construction of a large-panel house [Izomaterial]: [photo] / P. Melnikov. - Kemerovo, 1960. - Photomechanical printing, black and white. - The image is horizontal. - In the picture: construction of a large-panel house in the city of Kemerovo .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Large-panel housing construction - Kemerovo, city - Photographs. 3. Kemerovo, the city - Photographs. 4. Photos are documentary.
BBC 63.3 (2Ros-4Kem) 632n611
BBK 38.8g.y611
Kuzbass becomes the center of experimental construction. Using the experience of advanced construction organizations in Moscow and other cities, the first in the region to build a house of large panels builders of the city of Yurga. This progressive method of construction is applied in all cities of the region.
Source of electronic copy: Kemerovo ОNB
Location on the original: Кемеровская ОНБ
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