The colonization of Manchuria and S.-V. Mongolia (Tao-Nan-Fu)

  Davidov, Dmitry A.      
The colonization of Manchuria and S.-V. Mongolia (area of ​​Tao-Nan-Fu): With the annex. arch. maps of Zherim. sejm taken from the whale. orig. maps of the colonial. rn-nov Hei-Lun-Jiang province and maps of the okr. Mi-Shan-Fu / DA Davidov, having finished. course East. Institute. - Vladivostok: East. Inst., 1911. - VIII, 187 pp., 3 liters. kart. ; 23. - (Proceedings of the Eastern Institute: 12th year of 1910/1911 academic year, T. 37, issue 1). - Bibliography: p. 176 .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Russia - Colonial policy - Manchuria. 3. Russia - Colonial policy - Mongolia.
BBC 63.3 (2) 52-69
BBK 63.3 (2) 53-69
E-copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher Вост. ин-т
Catalogue object