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Russia. Contracts.
The Convention of Naval Armed Neutrality, between their Majesties the Emperor of All-Russian and the Prussian King imprisoned in St. Petersburg, December 6/18, 1800 = Convention de neutralite maritime armee, conclue entre leurs majestes l'empereur de toutes les Russie et le roi de Prusse a. Petersbourg le 6/18 decembre 1800. - A St. Petersburg. Petersbourg: De l'Imprimerie Imperiale, 1801. - 15, [1] p. ; 2 ° (32 cm). -
). - The front page and the text in parallel in Russian and French. Припл. to: Ratification of her Imperial Majesty by the autocrat of the All-Russian, on the treatise of the eternal peace concluded with his royal majesty and the state of Shvetsky in Abov, with the introduction of the whole treatise. - [Sankt-Petersburg, Sept 14th. 1743]. Ratified by Paul I on the 6th of February. 1801 The combined catalog of the Russian book of 1801-1825
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I. Frederick William III (King of Prussia, 1770 - 1840). II. Paul I (the emperor of Russia, 1754-1801). III. Prussia. Contracts. IV. Russia. The Emperor (1796-1801, Paul I). V. Prussia. The King (1797-1840, Friedrich-Wilhelm III) .1. St. Petersburg, city. Convention (1800). 2. Power (collection). 3. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 4. Russia-Germany: from the history of relationships (collection). 5. Russia - Relations - Prussia - 18th century. - Documents and materials. 6. Prussia - Relationships - Russia - 18th century. - Documents and materials. |
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