The summary of the course of world studies for schools of adults, workers' circles on natural science, anti-religious circles an...

  Pryanishnikov, Vasily Iosifovich  (1890-1980).    
A summary of the course in world science for schools of adults, workers' circles on natural science, anti-religious circles and self-education / [V. Pryanishnikov]; Centre. base for the propagation of nat.-nauch. knowledge. - Leningrad: edition of the Base of Visual Aids OBLONO, 1930. - 80 c. ; 17. - Author. is listed at the end of the text. - Without tit. l. Described by the region. - On the 1st s. Text: An abstract for listeners to the program on world studies. (Inanimate nature). Compiled by VI Pryanishnikov. - Bibliograf. in the text. "As a manuscript." - ISBN 3000 .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Astronomy - Educational publications.
ББК 22.6я7
Electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: SZMOO FC
ISBN 3000
Publisher издание Базы наглядных пособий ОБЛОНО
Catalogue object