Author Л. С. Description A short guide to the city of Murom: compiled in March 1911 - Murom: Izd. Murom city. of the government, 1911. - 22, [2] p. : maps; 17 centimeters . 1. Murom, city (Vladimir region) - History - Directories. ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Вла-2Мур) 533я23 The source of electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB The original storage: Владимирская ОУНБ Publisher Изд. Муромской город. управы Catalogue object История Collections Territory of Russia → Maps and plans → The political and administrative maps → Европейская часть России → Владимирская губерния Territory of Russia → Maps and plans → Plans of settlements → Муром [Владимирская губерния]