A brief description of the combat life and activities of the 77th Infantry Tengin His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Alexei Alexan...

  Lavrov, Alexander Nikiforovich      
A brief description of the combat life and activities of the 77th Infantry Tengin His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of the regiment. 1700-1900: comp. for the lower ranks AN Lavrov on materials collected. of the same regiment by the lieutenants Rakovich and Tyshetsky, and also by the author himself. - Tiflis: Type. Cant. chief prince c. in the Caucasus, 1900. - [6], 150 s. ; 23 cm. - Bibliography: "Sources" (19 titles) .
BBK 68.41 (2)
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. Канц. главнонач. гражд. ч. на Кавказе
Catalogue object