Author Посохов Сергей Андреевич Лосохов Description Posokhov, Sergey Andreevich (1866-). rus The cruiser of the 1st rank "Oleg" in battle on May 14, 1905, near the island of Tsushima / [Cap. 2 ranks Losokhov [Posokhov]] .- St. Petersburg: Art. type-lit. A.K. Weyerman, 1906 .- 48 pp. : ill. ; 20 cm. - Auth. indicated at the end of the text . ББК 68.35 (2) 5 ББК 63.3 (2) 531-68 Source: RSL Storage: RSL Publisher Худож. типо-лит. А.К. Вейерман Catalogue object Военное дело. Военная наука Россия II пол. 90-х гг. XIX в. Collections Far East: Point of Attraction → International relations → Russia – Japan: the History of Relations → Political Relations → Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 → Military operations → The Battle of Tsushima (14 - 15 (27 - 28) May 1905)