Critical historical story of the temporary years of Chervonnaya or Galich Russia

  Zubritsky, Denis Ivanovich  (1777-1862).    
Critical historical story of the temporary years of Chervonnaya or Galich Russia: From the establishment of Christianity under the princes of the generation of Vladimir the Great until the end of the XV century / Op. Denis Zubritsky per. with the floor. [and pre.] d. Osip Bodiansky. - Moscow: Univ. type., 1845. - XLVI, [2], 420, 47 p. ; 21 centimeters .
ББК 63.3 (283) 4
ББК 63.3 (4Пол) 4
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Унив. тип.
Catalogue object