Description |
Leaflets of the Stalingrad regional party organization 1942-1943. / [Обл. commis. on the history of the Fatherland. war; A. Ponomarev and others; Ed. M. Vodolagin]. - Astrakhan: Stalingrad. Prince, 1943. - 104 p. - 7000 copies.
1. The CPSU (b). Stalingrad Regional Committee - History. 2. The Great Patriotic War - Battle of Stalingrad - 1942-1943. |
BBC 63.3 (2) 622.12 BBK 66.69 (2) CPSU, 9 (2Ros-4Vog)
Source of electronic copy: Volgograd OUNB The original storage area: Волгоградская ОУНБ