Route map of reconnaissances. expeditions of 1907 // News of the Irkutsk City Duma. G. 23 1908, Vol. 2, No. 11/12

      Irkutsk City Council  
Proceedings of the Irkutsk City Duma . - Irkutsk, 1886-1913
Route map of reconnaissances. Expeditions 1907 [Maps]: the exploration of the railway. ways Irkutsk - Bodaibo / sost. early. expedition engineer. VP Polovnikov. - [1: 840,000], 20 versts in 1 inch. - No coloration of areas. Figures oblozhayut absolute - heights in m., Determined by aneroid observation. V. M. Kozlovsky. - Copy of features, plans and maps by the way of Lieutenant Colonel Yanov .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Railways - Construction - History - Irkutsk, city - beginning of the 20th century. - Maps. 3. Railways - Construction - History - Bodaibo, city (Irkutsk region) - early 20th century. - Maps. 4. Geographic maps.
ББК 39.20 (28-8Ирк-2Иркутск) 533я64
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Ирк-2Бодайбо) 53я64
Source of electronic copy: Irkutsk OGUNB
Location on the original: Иркутская ОГУНБ
Catalogue object