The place of the Kiev Metropolitan in the system of political relations of Kievan Rus (988 - 1037 gg.)

  Gaidenko, Pavel Ivanovich      
The place of the Kiev metropolitan in the system of political relations of Kievan Rus (988 - 1037 gg.): The dissertation ... The candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.02: protected 19. 5.2005 / Gaydenko Pavel Ivanovich; Kazan State University. - Kazan, 2005. - 238, [1] p. : ill. .
1. Russian Orthodox Church - Relationships - State - Ancient Rus - Theses. 2. History of Russia. 3. Metropolitans - Ancient Rus - Theses.
BBK 86.372я031
ББК 63.3 (2) 411-37я031
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