Coin and weight in Russia until the end of the XVIII century

  Prozorovsky, Dmitry Ivanovich  (1820-1894).     rus
Coin and weight in Russia until the end of the XVIII century: the investigation of DI Prozorovsky / [ed. d. Island P. Savvaitova] .- St. Petersburg: publication of the Imperial Archaeological Island, 1865 (type and literary A. Tranchel) .- [2], 416 pp., 1 liter. Table. ; 23 cm. - Decree. .
BBC T221 (2) 1.0
BBK 63.221 (2)
BBK T220 (2) 4.0
BBK 63.220 (2)
Source: RSL
Publisher издание Императорскаго археологическаго о-ва