Identifier 64fda34d-2ca7-44fe-ab14-22f23de5401d Title The inventory of the cases of the fund of MN Muraviev for the years 1825-1897. Dates 1825 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number ГА РФ. 811 / 1 Cataloguing source GA_RF Extent 144 единицы хранения Fonds MURAVYEV MIKHAIL NIKOLAEVICH, GRAPH, GENERAL OF INFANTERIUM, DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT OF DIFFERENT FELLOWS AND CHARGES, MEMBER OF STATE COUNCIL, MINISTER OF STATE PROPERTY (1857-1862), MILITARY GENERAL-GOVERNOR OF VILENCIA GOVERNIA (1863) File ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 1. Orders (printed) of the Minister of War for the Army, notifications Bludova DN and Dolgorukov Muraviev MN on raising it in rank ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 10. Congratulatory letter from Rebinder N.R., Khomutova M., Kankrina AE and other persons to Muraviov M.N. in connection with the appointment by his Minister of State Property, the coming of the new year and response letters (holidays) Muraviev M.N. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 100. Kovalevsky Evgraf Petrovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 101. Colignon ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 102. Lentsa (Attached are the records of Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich and Prince Chernyshov A. Panin from 1851 and 1855 on the provision of a full-time post and an increase in Lentsu's salary ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 103. Lippands I. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 104. Masalskogo Alexander ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 105. Maslova Stepan ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 106. Menshikov ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 107. Milyutin Dmitry Alekseevich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 108. Book. Mingrelian G. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 109. Muraviev Alexander Nikolaevich (brother) ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 11. Congratulatory letters from Bishop Antony, Yuzefovich of Smolensk and other persons to Muraviev MN in connection with the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 110. Muraviev-Amursky Nikolai Nikolaevich (nephew). ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 111. Telegram of Muravyova ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 112. Nazimova Vladimir Ivanovich and the response letter (draft) Muravva ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 113. Neklyudov Mikhail ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 114. Parthenia Hieromonk ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 115. Peshchurov ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 116. Pryanishnikov Fyodor Ivanovich, Chief of the Postal Department ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 117. Count Saken ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 118. Count Sievers. A certificate of Muravyov's service is attached. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 119. Tustanovsky F. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 12. Letters of foremen of the Moscow noblemen and English clubs of the nobility leader of the Lugsky district and other persons Muraviev MN about his election as a member of clubs, about the establishment of scholarships for his name in educational institutio ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 120. Usova S. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 121. Theodosius, Archbishop of Simbirsk ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 122. Philaret of Metropolitan of Moscow and a reply letter (drafts) Muraveva ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 123. Friedrich Wilhelm, King of Prussia ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 124. Book. Khovansky Nicholas ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 125. Shevyreva S. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 129. Letter from Muravyov to an unidentified person with the appeal of "Colleague" ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 13. Announcement of the Chancellery of the Order to Muraviev MN about the return of the orders of his father Muravva NN ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 130. A map of the mouth of the Amur River (pencil) and a portrait of MN Muraviev (lithography) ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 131. Biography of Muraviev Nikolai Nikolaevich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 132. Extract from the survey of the Office of State Property for the years 1857-1858. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 133. MN Murav'ev's Note on the Peasants' Management Plan in Connection with the Upcoming Peasant Reform ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 134. MN Murav'ev's note (?) On bishops and monastic ministers ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 135. MN Muraviev's note on the management of the North-West Region ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 136. Program "Information about the mutiny of the North-West Territory" 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 137. Letter from MN Murav'ev book. (You, Andr.) Dolgoruky on the question of expelling participants of the Polish Uprising of 1863 in Russia ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 138. List of candidates for higher military posts with a cover letter from the Count (the signature is illegible) MN Muraviev ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 139. The draft of the rescript of Alexander II to MN Muraviev with the appropriation of the title of Count ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 14. Letters from Metropolitan of Moscow Philaret and Metropolitan Joseph Joseph Muraviev, and a note without a signature on the construction of a church in the village of Syrets Lugsky district, St. Petersburg province and the plan of the church ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 140. Inventories of MN Muraviev's materials compiled after his death ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 141. Notes and clippings from the newspapers about the opening of the monument to M. N. Muraviev and his museum in Vilnius ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 142. Muratava M.N. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 143. The old inventory list No. 1 of Muraviev MN fund. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 144. The old inventory list No. 2 of Muraviev MN fund. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 15. Inventory of documents Muraviev MN ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 16. Preface to the correspondence Murav'ev MN, compiled by Sheremetev SD for the journal "Old and New" ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 17. Letters from Druzhinin Ya. And Kankrina EF Muraviev MN on the appointment of a new official to the Vitebsk state treasury ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 18. The decree of the Senate to the Grodno civil governor Muraviev MN on the case of the arrest of the liaison officer of the Mogilev City Duma Romanovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 19. Note to Count Muraviev MN Minister of State Property Kiselev PD on the need to transform the Ministry of State Property with a letter of transmittal Muraveva Kiseleva ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 2. Formular lists about the service of Muraviev MN ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 20. Note by an unidentified person with comments on the list of senators for 1841. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 21. Muraviev MN's most outstanding reports on the state of the Kursk Gubernia, on the activities of the Main Committee on Peasant Affairs, on the representation of officials and on other issues for the award. Drafts ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 22. "Project of general education management of the maritime department" and an explanatory note to the estimates of the Naval Ministry for 1857. With the letters of letters of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich Mouravieva MN ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 23. The opening letter of Grigory Metropolitan of Novgorod and Petersburg, Butkov and others Muraviev MN, without annexes ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 24. Report of Minister of State Property Muraviev MN Alexander II on the activities of the Ministry from 17.04.1857 to 01.01.1859. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 25. Murav'ev's attitude to MN Kovalevsky, EP, on the article of Polozov N., placed in Russkaya Gazeta No. 35 in the case of the oppression of the specific peasant by the bailiff ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 26. Notes Murav'ev MN on the order of ransom peasants of the estate land and their rights to this land. Drafts ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 27. Note (without a signature) on Russian politics in Central Asia ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 28. Report of Lieutenant-General Butakov II about the expedition to Syr-Darya in the Aral Sea. Attached maps and plans of the expedition ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 29. The article of an unidentified author, "Russian letters", placed in the German newspaper Der Katholik (about the position of the Roman Catholic Church in Russia) ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 3. Certificates and notifications of the Ministry of the Imperial Court to Muraviev MN on awarding him with orders ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 30. Note of Livanov's Fedor Vasilyevich (?) About various sects of schismatics ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 31. Reports of the [Ryazan] governor to the Minister of Internal Affairs about the composition of the Ryazan provincial committee for drafting a peasant reform ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 32. A note without the signature "A Glance at General Public Administration" (on the need to simplify the state apparatus) ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 33. Note [Minister of State Property Muraviev MN] "On the possibility and need to combine in due course into one all the departments of rural free inhabitants" ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 34. Draft regulations, drafted by the Editorial Commission on Peasant Affairs. Printed. Marked by Muravev MN ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 35. Note Murav'ev MN on the draft peasant reform ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 36. Manifesto and decree of Alexander II to the Senate on the abolition of serfdom. Projects marked by Muraviev M.N. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 37. Remarks of Muraviev MN on the draft manifesto on the abolition of serfdom ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 38. A note without a signature with comments on the draft local regulations on the land tenure of peasants. Marked by Muravev MN ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 39. Letter Milyutin DA Muraviev MN with a message about the appointment of Major-General Zeleny AA as manager of the Ministry of State Property. A decree (copy) of Alexander II to the Senate on the same ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 4. Letters from Adlerberg VF, Milyutin DA and others to Muraviev MN with notices of his appointment to new posts, with an expression of gratitude for the performance of commissions and the amount of salaries ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 40. Newspaper clippings with articles on the case of the surrender of Krivskaya peasants to the landowners of the Saratov gubernia in recruits with a forwarding letter to Kleinmikhel Muraviev MN ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 41. The list of persons recommended for admission to the Vilensky wine and excise office, references to these persons and letters to Oskerki A., Rehnevsky S. Merkulov (?) A.P. on questions of admission to the service in this office ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 42. Report of the Count Bobrinsky to Muraviev MN on the measures taken in relation to the participants of the Polish uprising in 1863 in Grodno province ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 43. Information of Captain Sobin about the Poles Yana Belkovsky and Chaplinsky, suspected of participating in the Polish uprising of 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 44. Correspondence between the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of State Property Muraviev MN on the issue of the termination of the obligatory relations of peasants to landlords in the Mogilev and Belorussian counties of Vitebsk province ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 45. Letters from Muraviev MN to the Minister of the Interior Valuyev PA and the chief of the gendarmes VA Dolgorukov on measures to combat the Polish national movement ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 46. Note by the Minister of Internal Affairs to the Main Committee on Peasant Affairs "On Measures to Provide Landless Peasants of the Western Territory" ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 47. The decree of Alexander II to the Senate on obligatory redemption of land by peasants of the Kiev, Podolsky and Volyn provinces. Project ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 48. Memoranda of the Minister of State Property Muraviev MN Alexander II on the structure of the north-western region and the statement on the number of students in the Vilnius Academic District ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 49. The testimony of photographer A. Korzuk, given to him by the Vilnius Investigative Commission in the case of the participants in the Polish uprising in 1863. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 5. Notices Chernyshova, Bludova DN and other persons Muraviev MN on permission to leave him ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 50. Circular Muraviev MN chiefs of the provinces of Vilna, Grodno, Kovno, Mogilev and Minsk on the prohibition of teaching in rural schools in Polish ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 51. Correspondence of Murav'ev MN with Greens AA on the order of sequestration of the estates of the participants of the Polish uprising of 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 52. The order of the Minister of the Interior to the Governor-General of Kovno, Mogilev and Vilensk, and the presentation of the Minister of State Property Muraviev MN Alexander II on the issue of granting allowances to the landlords of the Mogilev and Vitebs ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 53. Extract from the journal of the joint meeting of the Main Committee on the organization of the rural state and the Western Committee on the withdrawal of peasants land plots, selected from them by the landowners during 1846-1857. On setting the size of pe ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 54. Report of the commander of the troops of the Vilnius Military District to the Minister of War on measures to combat the desertion of the Poles ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 55. Circulars Muraveva MN Vilensky governor on the organization of public schools in the province and the issuance of benefits to teachers of Russian folk schools in Vilnius province ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 56. Circulations of Muraviev MN to the curator of the Vilnius educational district on the necessity of compiling a new textbook on the history of the Western region, as a measure of struggle against Polish-Catholic propaganda, about the removal from the Vilni ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 57. The position of the Western Committee on the posting of expelled participants in the Polish uprising in 1863, Murav'ev's letter to MN Milyutin, DA, and the reports of the temporary field audience on the activities of investigative commissions and military ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 58. Conclusion of the joint committees on the affairs of the Kingdom of Poland and Western on the closure of Roman Catholic monasteries in Russia and Poland ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 59. A note by the former Irkutsk architect Meyer AI about the secret societies of the Poles in Russia and abroad ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 6. Rescript of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich Muraviev MN about his election as an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society and a reply letter from Muraviev MN ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 60. Notes Murav'ev MN on the suppression of the Polish Uprising of 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 61. Notes Murav'ev MN on the suppression of the Polish Uprising of 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 62. Notes Murav'ev MN on the suppression of the Polish Uprising of 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 63. Notes Murav'ev MN on the suppression of the Polish Uprising of 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 64. Notes Murav'ev MN on the suppression of the Polish Uprising of 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 65. Notes Muraviev MN on the suppression of the Polish Uprising of 1863 dictated by Muraviev Mosolov A. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 66. "Brief review" of government revenues, expenditures and the financial system of the Kingdom of Poland ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 67. An outline of the chairman of the Vilnius Commission of Inquiry on the suppression of the Polish Uprising of 1863 IV Ch. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 68. Essay on the Chairman of the Vilnius Commission of Inquiry on the suppression of the Polish uprising in 1863. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 69. List of members of the brotherhood of St. Paul Vincent ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 7. Rescripts of Alexander II to Muravu MN about dismissal on leave and with an expression of gratitude for service ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 70. Note Murav'va MN (?) On the need to change the calculation of taxes for state peasants ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 71. Notes without a signature on measures to strengthen Russian landownership in the Northwestern provinces and measures to combat the national liberation movement in Poland and Lithuania ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 72. Information about the participants in the Polish uprising in 1863 ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 73. Dmitri Nikolaevich Bludov ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 74. Lansky Sergey Stepanovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 75. Gr. Orlov Alexey Fedorovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 76. Sukhozanet Nikolai Onufrievich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 77. Yuzefovich Viktor Vladimirovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 78. Adlerberg Vladimir Fedorovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 79. Book. Baryatinsky Anatoly ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 8. Correspondence of Murav'ev MN with Kankrin EF, Vronchenko, Brok and other persons about the receipt of rent, allowances and annual salaries ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 80. Bludov Dmitry Nikolaevich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 81. Broca Petr Fedorovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 82. Brianchanin Victor ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 83. Valuev Petr Alexandrovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 84. Vasilchikova I. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 85. Veltman Alec. ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 86. Voyekova Sophia (nee Bryanchaninova) ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 87. The Hero of Hegumen ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 88. Grinevich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 89. Prince Gorchakov Alexander Mikhailovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 9. Notices to the Minister of the Imperial Court of Adlerberg AV Muraviev MN and certificates of granting him land in the Samara province ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 90. Delyanov, Ivan Davydovich (Muraviev MN). (Mentioned Tolstoy AK) ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 91. Dolgorukov Vasiliy Andreevich. There is a reply letter from Muravyov ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 92. Dolgoruky Nikolai Andreevich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 93. Green Alexander Alexandrovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 94. Iliodor, Archbishop of Kursk ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 95. Kankrina Yegor Frantsevich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 96. Philadelphus Karasin ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 97. Katkov Mikhail Nikiforovich ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 98. Kireevsky Ivan ГА РФ. 811 / 1 / 99. Kiselev Pavel Dmitrievich Display format Archival description RUSMARC