On the land of Stalingrad

  Koroteev, Vasily Ignatievich  (-1964).    
On the land of Stalingrad: Notes of a military correspondent / V. Koroteev. - Stalingrad: Obl. Prince, 1945. - 105 p. ; 17. - 10,000 copies. .
1. The Great Patriotic War - Battle of Stalingrad - 1942-1943.
BBC 63.3 (2) 622.12
Frontline correspondence and essays by Vasily Koroteev, special correspondent of Krasnaya Zvezda, former secretary of the Stalingrad Regional Committee of the Komsomol, introduce the reader into the atmosphere of the fighting Stalingrad. The series of essays tells about various events of the Battle of Stalingrad from September 1942 to February 1943: about crossing the Volga, about the front line at the Mokry Mechetka, about the defense of the South height 128.2, about the battle of the Verkhne-Kumsky farm. The author creates portraits of Red Army soldiers, volunteer workers, civilians-Stalingrad, defending their hometown. Stalingrad is depicted in an aggravated way - destroyed by shells, in the fire of fires, recovering, storing the memory of the dead heroes.
Source of electronic copy: Volgograd OUNB
The original storage area: Волгоградская ОУНБ
Publisher Обл. кн-во
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