The initial bases of artillery art, compiled by the Life Guards 1st Artillery Brigade by Captain Wessel for leadership in the Ju...

  Vessel, Yegor Khristianovich  (1797-1853).    
The initial foundations of artillery art, compiled by the Life Guards of the 1st Artillery Brigade by Captain Wessel for leadership in the Junker classes of the Artillery School and serving as the beginning of the Notes issued for the officers' classes of the designated School. - St.Petersburg: Pecs. in the type. Headquarters Otd. housing internal. Guardians, 1831. - [4], XVIII, 712 pp., 20 liters. heck. ; 21 centimeters .
BBK 68.514.1-4
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Печ. в тип. Штаба Отд. корпуса внутр. стражи
Catalogue object