Our Banking Policy (1729-1903)

  Migulin, Pyotr Petrovich  (1870-1948).     rus
Our banking policy (1729-1903) = Les banques d'etat en Russie: the experience of the research PP Migulin, Doctor of Financial Law, hordes. prof. Kharkov University .- Kharkov: Type. "The Pec. Business," book. KN Gagarin, 1904 .- VI, 439, [4] p. ; 24 cm. - Bibliograf. in the note. .
BBK У03 (2) 002.621.0-18,0
ББК 65.262.10-18-03 (2)
Source: RSL
Publisher Тип. "Печ. дело", кн. К. Н. Гагарина