German soldiers!. Deutsche Soldaten! "Ströme von Blut vergisst das deutsche Volk, das Millionen seiner Söhne in dem Raubkrieg ve...

German soldiers!. rus
Deutsche Soldaten! "Ströme von Blut vergisst das deutsche Volk, das Millionen seiner Söhne in dem Raubkrieg verliert ...": [leaflet]. - [B. m., 194-]. - 2 s. : color. yl. - Before the background: Lesen und an die Kameraden weitergeben !. - At the end of the leaflet: Passierschein / Pass. - Part of the text in Russian. yaz. .
1. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. The Great Patriotic War - Soviet military propaganda - 1941 - 1945 - Leaflets. 4. Leaflets of the Great Patriotic War in the USSR - 1941 - 1945.
ББК 63.3 (2) 622ю18
Read it and tell your comrades! ... The rivers of blood shed the German people, losing millions of their sons in a piratical war. Hundreds of thousands of Germans lost their lives under the ruins of German cities because of air raids caused by the insane Hitler plans for world domination. For what? "For the sake of the prosperity of the German people," - answer Hitler, Goering, Lei, Goebbels and other fascist bonzes, who themselves call themselves your leaders. This is a brazen, treacherous deception, a vulgar lie! The fascists created a regime of cruel slavery in Germany and plunged the German people into the greatest grief. All the German working people have taken away all rights and freedoms. They introduced slave labor in factories and factories. They deprived the peasants of independence and turned them into serfs. They play with your blood and the lives of your loved ones in the name of the interests of the capitalists and plutocrats, insatiable in their quest for enrichment. Fascists to you and your people are the worst enemies. Why should you sacrifice your life for the warmongers and speculators? End with the war! Exterminate Hitler! Surrender! "The Red Army takes German soldiers and officers into captivity if they surrender and keeps them alive" (From Stalin's Order No. 55). The caption under the picture: "Fascism is a heavy cross of the German people."
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Karelia
Location on the secret of the original: НБ Респ. Karelia
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