The newest geography of the Russian Empire ,. Part 2

  Zyablovsky, Evdokim Filippovich  (1764-1846).    
The newest geography of the Russian Empire,: Compiled according to its current division, which describes the state limits, its space, seas, rivers, lakes, mountains, water, climate and land quality; natural works from all three kingdoms of nature; division in the province, with the indication in each number of inhabitants, their industry, needlework and factories; various inhabitants of the state, their languages, faith, exercises, science and art, domestic and foreign trade, and so on. : With the addition of newly annexed lands from Prussia under the Treaty of Tilsit, concluded on June 27, 1807. : In three parts . - Moscow: In the printing house of S. Selivansky, 1807 . - 8 ° (21 cm) cm
Part 2. - 1807. - [2], 201, [1] p. - Appl. to: Zyablovsky, EF The Newest Geography of the Russian Empire, Part 1. - Moscow, 1807 .
1. Provinces - the 19th century. . 2. Russia - Geography - 19 in ..
BBK 26.89 (2) 5
BBK 63.3 (2) 5-5
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher в типографии С. Селивановскаго
Catalogue object