New rural society

Druzhinin, Nikolai Petrovich (1858-1941).    
New rural society: A story about how to organize their societies. the cases of peasants of three letters. villages / [Com.] N.P. Druzhinina. - 2 nd ed. with val. changes and add. - Moscow: ed. journal. "Children's reading" and "Pedagogical leaflet", 1900. - [4], 159 p. ; 21. - (Teacher's Library). -
Prod. stories: "Rural Starosta", "Parish Board and Volost Foreman", "Parish Gathering."
Bibliography: "Books on the Law, necessary for people's libraries and literate peasants" (pp. 153-159).
Electronic copy source: RSL
Location on

U 406/186; M 36/327
Publisher ред. журн. "Дет. чтение" и "Пед. листок"