New encyclopedic dictionary. T. 4. Askania - The Baluuse

  Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold  (1772-1823).    
New encyclopedic dictionary / [under total. Ed. K. K. Arsenyev]  .- St. Petersburg: FA Brockhaus and IA Efron, [1912] -  .- 26 cm
T. 4: Askania - Balyuz .- [8] s., 952 stb., [2] s., Incl. yl, 11 liters. ill., 7 cards. .
ББК Я20 (28)
Source: RSL
Storage: R 323/31; Рб 1/27
Publisher Ф. А. Брокгауз и И. А. Ефрон
Catalogue object