About Deputy Governor of the Russian Federation in the International Monetary Fund

      Russian Federation. The president  (2004-2008, V.V. Putin).
On Deputy Governor of the Russian Federation in the International Monetary Fund: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2007 No. 759. - Moscow, 2007. - 1 p. - Digital copy .
1. Ignatiev, Sergei Mikhailovich (1948 -) - Appointments - Legal acts. 2. Paramonova, Tatiana Vladimirovna (1950 -) - Layoffs - Legal acts. 3. International Monetary Fund. Permanent Mission in the Russian Federation - Legal acts. 4. Power (collection). 5. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.
ББК 65.268.4-652к121
ББК 67.911.221.3,06к121
Electronic copy: FSO of Russia
Catalogue object