Author Малов Евфимий Александрович Япей Бабай Description Malov, Evfimiy Aleksandrovich (1835-). rus About baptized Tatars: (From the mission diary) / [Yapey Babai] .- Kazan: Type. Imp. University, 1891 .- 58 p. ; 22 cm. - Auth. is listed in the ad. for 4 seconds. region; at the end of the text: Yapey Babay [pseudo] . ББК 86.372 ББК 63.521 (= 632.3) -77 Source: RSL Storage: RSL Publisher Тип. Имп. ун-та Catalogue object Православие Этнология современных народов Collections Russian People → Society → Ethnic composition → Ethnic groups → Ethnology of individual nations → TATARS Republic of Tatarstan: pages of history → People → Religion → Orthodoxy