On marine meteorological maps in general and Lieutenant Bro's maps in particular

Ivanov, V.V.    
On marine meteorological maps in general and maps of Lieutenant Bro in particular / [op.] VV Ivanov. - Санктпетербург: печ. in the type. Morse. Min-va, 1876. -42, [1] p. Fig. : il .. -
From No. 9 of the "Sea collection" of 1876
I. Bro.1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 3. Meteorological maps - History - Compilation - 19 in .. 4. Sea charts - History - Compilation - 19 in ..
ББК 26.17г
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Publisher печ. в тип. Морс. Мин-ва
Catalogue object