On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

      Russian Federation. The president  (2004-2008, V.V. Putin).
On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 18, 2007 No. 52. - Moscow, 2007. - 10 p. - Digital copy .
1. Power (collection). 2. Personnel - Awards and promotions - Russian Federation - Legal acts. 3. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.
BBC 63.3 (2) 64k121
BBK 63.221 (2) -3k121
For the achieved labor achievements and many years of conscientious work, reward ...; For the courage and dedication shown in saving drowning children, reward ...; For the merits in scientific activity, to confer the honorary title ...; For merits in the field of public health and many years of conscientious work, to confer honorary titles ...; For merits in training and education of students and long-term conscientious work to appropriate an honorary title ...
Electronic copy: FSO of Russia
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