Author Турчинович Осип Викентьевич Description Turchinovich, Osip Vikentievich On land ownership and inheritance in ancient Russia / op. O. Turchinovich. - St.Petersburg: To type. Edward Weimar, 1853. - [2], IV, 58 p. ; 24 cm. - Ed. also under zagl .: The social life of the Slavs in antiquity Bibliogr. in the note. . BBK 67.3 (2) 41 BBK 67.404.111-1 (2) BBK 67.404.4-1 (2) Copy source: RSL Location on map of originals: RSL Publisher в тип. Эдуарда Веймара Catalogue object История права Право собственности Семейное право Collections Legal System in Russia → History of national law → The legal system in Ancient Rus’ → Legal studies