On the provision of the Muslim population of the mountains. Baku a plot of land with a mosque belonging to the Baku Customs

      Russia. Council of Ministers  
On the provision of the Muslim population of the mountains. Baku plot of land with a mosque belonging to the Baku Customs [Case]: November 17 - December 2, 1916. - 1916. - 8 l .. - (Fund of the Council of Ministers, Inventory No. 12) .
1. Russia-Azerbaijan: Pages of General History (collection). 2. Muslims - History - Baku, city (Azerbaijan) - beg. 20 cent. - Documents and materials. 3. Land plots - Baku, city (Azerbaijan) - beg. 20 cent. - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Back) 534-37y11
BBK 86.38L.Yu11
ББК 65.03 (2) 53ю11
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РГИА Ф. 1276 Op. 12 D. 1784
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